As a class we decided to re-create the Bloodhound gangs video to Bad touch.
We worked well together, each taking turns filming, directing, and appearing in the video. We had fun doing it and sometimes maybe laughed a bit too much, which meant that some shots took longer to shoot and that shots were ruined because there was laughing. I feel that we could have been more prepared before we went out to do any filming, as this was our filming task and we hadn’t made a shot list. We did make a storyboard, but hadn’t looked at shot sequences or camera angles. I feel that if we had done this previous to filming then we would have gone out more prepared and got the shots we needed quicker. All though the task was quite hard and we didn’t have very long to film, I feel that we worked really well as a team, communicating with each other and letting each other know what needed to be done. I feel that the main characters were good at acting and cooperated with being moved around and having to sing and dance. Another thing that I thought was good was the props. As in the actual video they were wearing monkey costumes we felt that we also needed to be dressed in costumes. So we created hoodies with ears and tails to re-create the monkey suit. The actual filming went well as we each took turns filming so that we each got to experience filming and hold steady shots. I feel that we did a good job holding the camera steady but that at times there was a few wobbles. I felt that by each taking turns we were putting skills into practise and getting valuable video experience, which we can later use. The only negative I have about filming, was that we could have had tighter framing, but this we could crop in editing so it wasn’t such a huge problem.
The hardest part of making the video was the editing afterwards. For example once we had filmed a singing scene we then had to lip sync it, so that the lead monkey was singing at the same time as the music. At times this was really hard to do so I had to cut the beginning out so that it matched throughout, as sometimes I needed to correct it as it was a little off. This section of making the video took ages to do and was very time consuming and I had problems with my computer so it kept cutting out, resulting in me continually saving my work before the programme crashed. This was the first time I had done any editing so I learnt a lot of new skills, such as how to transform a clip, how to import, cut, move, re-size, alter timings, speed duration, reversing shots, flipping shots, and how to crop. I think that the cutting tool was the most important as it meant that I could cut the exact section I needed, and that it was the right length so that it matched the timing of the music. Editing was very stressful as it had to be exact in the timings, so you had to be very patient, but I think it paid off in the end as I had a good final video that I am proud of.
I feel that by making this video I am better equip to make my own A2 film, as I have more knowledge of the premier pro programme that I used to make the video and I also know the patience that I will need to have making it. In the end I feel that I have learnt a lot by doing it and that I can make an even better A2 video.
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